This is my first time at SXSW. I’m here for the Film part of the festival, which seems like the red-headed stepchild of the bunch. The Interactive portion seems to have swallowed everything up and I now have a Pavlovian reaction whenever I see someone wearing an orange lanyard. I brace myself for a chat about UX and HTML5 frameworks or something.
Anyway, it’s been good so far. Saw CABIN IN THE WOODS and THE HUNTER, caught a bunch of panels and have been going to the Mentor Sessions, where you get to sit down one-on-one with some industry professionals. I’ve met a producer and an art director and I’m lined up to meet another producer and a writer. These are the best things about the conference so far.
And the worst thing? The weather. Holy shit. The heavens opened for three whole days. Try standing in that for an hour.
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